Pursuit's Take
“CMS, an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), provides health coverage for over 145 million Americans through its four principal programs, with annual outlays of about $1.1 trillion. GAO has designated the two largest programs, Medicare and Medicaid, as high risk partly due to their vulnerability to fraud, waste, and abuse. In fiscal year 2016, improper payment estimates for these programs totaled about $95 billion.”
According to GAO, “CMS has taken steps to identify fraud risks, such as by designating specific provider types as high risk and developing associated control activities. However, it has not conducted a fraud risk assessment for Medicare or Medicaid, and has not designed and implemented a risk-based antifraud strategy.” By conducting fraud risk assessments, it will allow managers to see the fraud risks associated with the programs, and ensure they are taking the best steps to address fraud. This report examines CMS’s approach for managing fraud risks and how they match current practices.
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