According to GAO, "SSA's workloads are increasing due to 80 million baby boomers entering their disability-prone and retirement years, and institutional knowledge and leadership at SSA will be depleted due … READ MORE
Social Security Administration
Social Security Disability: Additional Measures and Evaluation Needed to Enhance Accuracy and Consistency of Hearings Decisions
When individuals do not agree with the initial decision of a Social Security Disability claim, they can appear before one of 1,500 administrative law judges. However, according to GAO, "the … READ MORE
GAO: Improvements Needed in Facilities Planning and Service Delivery Evaluation
SSA has one of the largest physical footprints of any federal agency. It has about 1,500 facilities nationwide, including field offices where customers can meet with SSA staff to … READ MORE
GAO: Social Security Number: OMB and Federal Efforts to Reduce Collection, Use, and Display
SSNs are key pieces of identifying information that potentially may be used to perpetrate identity theft. Thieves find SSNs valuable because they are the identifying link that can connect … READ MORE
GAO: SSA Disability Benefits: Antifraud Efforts Need a Comprehensive Strategic Approach
SSA has taken steps to identify and address fraud risks in its disability programs, but it has not yet comprehensively assessed these fraud risks or developed a strategic approach … READ MORE