While the results are not yet certified, it has become readily apparent that Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States. While the commentariat is focused on … READ MORE
Young Americans Face a Public Service Deficit. It’s Past Time to Fix It.
Pursuit’s founder, the late Dr. Tom Coburn, was steadfast in his view of public service as — first and foremost — a service. It is an idea going back to … READ MORE
It’s Time to Overrule Judicial Supremacy
The buzz generated by the Supreme Court’s latest decisions on LGBTQ rights and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program have once again drawn their characteristic shares of praise … READ MORE
National Solidarity in the Time of COVID-19
As the United States continues to grapple with the threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the tribal political battles that have characterized American politics pre-virus have shown no signs of … READ MORE
A Look at Remote Work in the Federal Workforce During COVID-19
One widely-discussed result of the COVID-19 pandemic is a massive increase in the share of the United States workforce that works from home. The virus forced companies to invest in … READ MORE
Boy, That Escalated Quickly
This week, the Department of Treasury updated the projected 2020 deficit numbers. Instead of the originally projected $1 trillion deficit (a large sum in its own right), Treasury’s new update … READ MORE
What Dr. Coburn Taught Me
My respect for Dr. Coburn’s reputation is what led me to be a contributor for Pursuit. I won’t presume to match the countless eulogies and tributes written celebrating his statesmanship, … READ MORE
What it Was Like to Work for Dr. Coburn
I have worked for Dr. Coburn for eight of the last ten years. There was never a time where I entered into a policy discussion with him where I didn’t … READ MORE