“All the great ones leave their mark.” -Marv Merchants In the classic Christmas movie Home Alone, Marv - the injury-prone dunce - leaves the water running in the basements of … READ MORE
It’s NOT a ruse: Tax Cuts COULD be Financed by Cutting Government Waste
In a recent opinion piece bashing the GOP’s failed attempt to fix Obamacare and its impact on plans to reform the tax code, the author confidently makes the claim that $600 billion … READ MORE
Senator Flake Releases “Tax Rackets” Oversight Report
Last week, leading government waste watchdog, Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) released his new report, Tax Rackets: Outlandish Loopholes to Lower Tax Liabilities. The report sheds light on tax expenditures and how … READ MORE
Peter Rabbit Travels the Country on Taxpayer Dollars
In Peter Rabbit’s first tale, Peter disobeys his mother by sneaking into Mr. McGregor’s garden, eating as many vegetables before he gets caught. Peter Rabbit is back at it again, … READ MORE